
How can I show the correct answers in a survey?

  • 17 January 2022
  • 6 replies

We would like to test the knowledge of our attendees with a survey. How can we show the correct answer to the participant?

6 replies

Userlevel 5

Hey @Sibill Marquis,

That’s a great question! If you are going to do this live, you simply need to activate the survey and then display results of the individual polls by clicking on the arrows next to each poll in the survey. This will show participants whether they chose the correct answer. An even better poll for this use case would be the quiz poll which works in a similar way but it also shows a leaderboard at the end and each participant can see how many questions they answered correctly.

If you are not doing this live, then you will need to export the results of the survey to see how participants voted, because results will not show up for them live. Alternatively, you could set up multiple individual polls and send participants direct links to each poll. This will show the participant the correct answer, even if you’re not doing it live.

I hope this helps :) Let me know if you have any further questions!

I'm also very interested in this feature. What's the status on this feature development?

Dear Maggie,
Thank you for your answer. We are not planning to do this live. Each participant shall have the possibility to complete the survey whenever he/she likes to do. As we intend to test the knowledge of our attendees, it is vital that he/she sees the answer directly after completing the survey. Is there any possiblity to have this function available?

Userlevel 5

Hi @Sibill Marquis,

No, it isn’t possible to show the correct answer straight away in a survey when you’re not presenting it live. To achieve this, you would need to create individual polls and give participants direct links to each poll. This will show the correct answer, even when you’re not doing it live.

I have marked this as a feature request so seeing the correct answer in offline surveys might be possible in the future :)

Let me know if you have any further questions.

Dear Maggie
Thank you very much for your feedback. Unfortunately, individual polls ist not an option as we would like to evaluate session blocks. Is there a way we could push this function until our conference in June?


Userlevel 5

Hi @Sibill Marquis,

I totally understand. I have submitted a request for this feature and it’s hard to say if it will be picked up and when it could be implemented. So unfortunately we just don’t know if or when it could be developed. However, I want to reassure you that your feedback is being reviewed and we are constantly changing and improving Slido based on customer feedback - thank you for bringing your case to Community! :)

In the meantime, you could also try collecting email addresses in the survey and then emailing participants their results and the correct answers. You could simply add an open-text poll in the beginning of the survey which asks for the participants’ emails, then after some time, you could export the results and email the participants their scores and the correct answers.

I hope this is helpful, let me know if you have any more feedback or questions.
