
How to change to new user to the ‘save-as’ power point  that have another slido account slide?

  • 23 March 2023
  • 1 reply

How to change to new user to the ‘save-as’ power point  that have another slido account slide?


I have copied my colleague’s power point file that already have two slido slides.

I want to change those two slido slide to my account slido design. It require to request access… but I don’t know how to change to my account instead and abandon previous connect with my friend’s slido account ? 



1 reply


Hello there!

When duplicating the whole PowerPoint presentation, you’ll have two presentations connected to the same Slido session, and they cannot be unlinked.

We recommend duplicating your slides and then switching to an existing session or a newly created one. That way you can reuse the event or add a new session to your presentation.
