
Post-event surveys (private)

  • 26 July 2023
  • 2 replies

I am wondering if I can collect post-event survey results in a slido poll tool? I am using Polls and Word Clouds during an upcoming power point presentation and thought it would be nice to offer, rather than sending everyone to an online survey tool (like in constant contact.) Is there a way to ask people to reply to survey questions using a slido event/tool? 

2 replies


I have set up an active survey and sent the link to the people so that they can fill it out. I would like to postpone the end date of the event so they have more days to fill in the survey. Would this setting change also change the code (and therefore the link) to access the event? Will I need to choose a different code that would generate a new link to access the event?

Also, do I need to deactivate the poll to change event dates? 

I would like to avoid the necessity to send a new email with a new different link to recipients.


Userlevel 2

Hello @JenSpuehler,

Yes it is possible to generate a survey and share it with your participants after the presentation. 

Here is an article how you can share a survey after the event: 

The link is permanent so if you share it with them it can be used permanently. 
