
Slido for e-learning

  • 23 June 2023
  • 1 reply


I would like to make an e-learning experience more interactive.

  • Is it possible for learners to access a Slido link as part of an e-learning, post a word and then see the word cloud as a result embedded in the e-learning or a sharepoint site?
  • How many learners max can access a link over a period of time?
  • How long is a link valid? Only 1 year max?

Thank you!

1 reply


Hey @Sarah23 , 

regarding your questions:

  • that would depend on the setup of the e-learning platform you use but I do not see a problem with such a thing. You can share direct links to event (active as long as event is) or directly to a specific poll or a survey (active up until you manually lock voting)
  • that depends on your plan, more info here.
  • as I mentioned above, for an event - max one year. Direct link to a poll or survey - up until you lock it.

If you need to take a look on more specifics, please reach us on

We’re happy to help!
